Not feelin' groovy yet? Don't worry, it's a process

The other day I got an email that reminded me of something that is important for all of us to know:

We can be strong and brave and keep moving when in the midst of a traumatic situation; it is when the trauma is over that we break down.

This weekend marks the official start of summer (Happy Memorial Day, by the way!!). We step out this week into a new season and a changed world, and we bring a new attitude, new practices, and new wisdom to it all.

So if you are feeling wobbly all of a sudden, don't worry; it's a natural response to the ending of a trauma. And yes, the pandemic was a real trauma experience. And yes, this "ending" is not a marked point, but a process that we are at the start of.

Everyone has had a unique experience in the past year and a half, and we are having different reactions as we move forward.

Please be gentle with yourself. Allow for your trepidation, for your misgivings, and for your sadness. Let them run their course.

Allow enjoyment, hope, and fun.

Get with friends. Sleep late when you can. Nourish yourself with seasonal foods. Sit in the sun. Sit in the shade. Take leisurely walks. Have a beer!

And always be compassionate to those who are having a different experience. We each travel our own journey; let's not add obstacles to each others' paths.

We got this. We have each other. Get support when you need it. Give support when you can. Send out loving energies, and open your heart to receiving that from others. I am sending you lots of love and peace right now!!

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