Making time for a little fun - although from the looks of it, I should get my helmet on!

Making time for a little fun - although from the looks of it, I should get my helmet on!


 About Jeannette

Jeannette is a yoga teacher with a few tricks up her sleeve that help her bring clients to their best health and vitality, especially as they move up in age. Here’s what she says about her journey:

I began my path of complementary healing methods with the need to heal myself. When a bout of sciatica lingered, I was persuaded to try acupuncture, which felt like a miracle cure to me. My acupuncturist recommended I try yoga to keep my back healthy, so I bought a video (yes, VHS), and the rest is history!

My personal yoga practice put me in touch with people and ideas I had not encountered before. I became a yoga teacher in 2009, and have completed an additional 500 hour course on Therapeutic Yoga. Through the years I've become a Reiki practitioner, learned about the healing powers of essential oils, and received my certification as an EFT Int-1 practitioner through EFT Universe. In 2020 I became trained in resistance stretching, and developed an all-new way to access true flexibility of body and mind through stretching plus the tenets of yoga. Armed with these marvelous gifts to share, I can now show others how they, too, can access the healing energies and learn to heal themselves.

This is important healing work, but remember that each person actually heals themself. I am a conduit of knowledge and energy, and I am here to guide and assist you to access your innate healing powers.

I am an Experienced Yoga Teacher and I offer yoga in person and online, both privately or through my group classes. EFT is especially effective over the Internet, which is convenient, saves time, and allows me to help people at any distance. Meditation and breathwork are an integral part of all my sessions, bringing relaxation and a sense of safety to the work.

It is my joy and my dharma to assist in bringing more light and happiness to the people I encounter by helping them connect to all their “bodies” - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. We all have many sides to take care of, and a well-rounded Yoga Plus practice can help.

All these offerings are complementary, or an adjunct, to your regular medical services - NOT a replacement. As always, check with your physician before beginning a new health practice.

Giving Back

I believe it is through giving that we receive. I bring weekly yoga to the women at my local county correctional facility through Yoga Impact. I bring Reiki to families in need through Halos for Angels, Inc. I have led free or low-cost classes at the Florham Park Public Library and for local Daisy and Brownie Scouts.